Examples of settings
In this section, we provide examples of various typical Controller settings and some non-obvious functions. The section is constantly being supplemented, if you have an example of your own settings of any function, you can send us a description on website.
In the settings of the controller with firmware version 0.8.7 and newer, it became possible to instantly download the desired configuration from the SD card to the Controller by pressing a button. This can be useful when using several different batteries, so that when you change batteries, you can quickly load new settings without using the import and export menus. Or, if you want to quickly change the controller settings from low power to high power config. The configuration loaded in this way is not saved in the Controller upon restart, unless it is specifically saved in the Controller menu after import. To download, the SD card must be in the on-board computer and the number in the configuration file name must match the number of the function configured in the Controller. You can use several methods to load the configuration:
External switch, connected to On-board computer.
External switch, connected to Controller.
This method is the easiest to set up, configuration loading is activated by one of the four buttons on the On-board computer.
Make sure you set up and export the configuration to the SD-card to a file NCconf1.cfg — NCconf5.cfg.
For example, you want to load the configuration NCconf3.cfg on pressing the first button on the On-board Computer. Go to the Controller > I/O configuration menu section, then assign the CL3 function to the CAN port 1 menu item.
Save the settings in the menu item Controller > Save settings.
Go to the menu section On-board computer > Button setup and for the button Hot key 1 func. assign CAN_1. Button type Hotkey 1 type select Normal.
Save the settings in the menu item On-board computer > Save. Setup completed. Go to the main screen. Now by pressing and holding the first button of the On-board computer you will be able to instantly import the NCconf3.cfg configuration from the SD-card. After importing, you will see a notification with the name of the loaded configuration.
If you specifically do not save the loaded configuration in the Controller settings, then after switching off and on the Controller, your previous configuration, which was used before the import, will be automatically loaded.
Control modes switching setting
Three control modes are available in the Controller settings, for which you can make different power and speed settings. To switch modes S1, S2, S3 you can use several methods:
Go to the menu section Controller > I/O configuration, select Buttons in the Speeds mode menu item, then assign the S1 function to the CAN Port 1 menu item. For CAN Port 2 and CAN Port 3 functions S2 and S3, respectively. Make sure the S1, S2, and S3 functions are not configured on any other ports in the list.
Save the settings in the menu item Controller > Save settings.
Go to the menu section On-board computer > Button setup and for each Hot key button of the screen, assign the CAN Port to which the mode was configured. For Hot key 1 func. assign CAN_1, for Hot key 2 func. and Hot key 3 func. - CAN_2 and CAN_3, respectively. Select the button type for all three Hot keys as Normal.
Save the settings in the menu item On-board computer > Save. Setup completed. Go to the main screen. Now by pressing and holding one of the buttons on the On-board computer, you can activate the control mode configured for it. The selected mode will be shown at the top in the middle of the screen with the numbers 1, 2 or 3. In our example, the first button activates the S1 mode, the second and third S2 and S3 respectively.
If after setting you cannot switch modes, then go to the menu Controller > Updates and settings, select the item Load defaults, reset, then save the settings in the menu item Controller > Save settings, return to the menu Controller > Updates and settings, select the item Reboot and restart your device. Then repeat all the settings from the beginning.
Control modes switching with external switch connected to the On-board computer
To use this method, you need an external 3-position switch. To connect to the On-board computer you need to crimp the wire with pins according to the diagram and insert them into the PHD 2.0 connector, which is included in the kit of the On-board Computer.
The wire from the switch must be connected to the rear panel of the On-board computer in the I/O1 or I/O2 ports.
Next, you need to check the functionality of the connected button and the activation of the input by closing the contact. Go to the On-board computer > Information menu and press the button on the switch. Depending on which port the wire is connected to, the values in the menu items IO1 state - IO8 state will change from 0 to 1 when the button of switch connected to the On-board computer is pressed. If the value does not change, then the signal does not come and it is necessary to check the correct connection, contacts in the connector, wire, and the switch itself. If everything is OK, go to point 3.
Let's assume you have connected one of the switch buttons to the IO2 state, it is the
IO2 input of the
I/O1 port. Now you need to assign to this On-board computer input the number of the CAN input for CAN-bus control and select the control signal type. Go to
menu item
On-board computer >
Buttons setup, and in the menu item
IO2 type, select the control signal type, e.g.
Normal, and in menu item
IO2 state select a free CAN input number, e.g.
CAN_1. For the rest of the switch buttons, make similar settings by selecting other CAN port numbers.
Save the settings in the menu item On-Board Computer > Save.
Go to the menu item Controller > I/O configuration to configure the S1, S2 or S3 mode function on the selected CAN port. To do this, opposite the menu item CAN Port 1, select the value S1. Now the button configured in the previous paragraph, when pressed, will activate the S1 mode in the Controller. Next, configure the rest of the buttons in the same way, choosing the appropriate modes for the configured CAN ports. If you use a 3-position switch, then you need to select the functions S1of3 and S3of3 in the CAN ports, which will be activated when the switch is closed in the extreme left and right positions. In the center position, S2 mode will be activated.
Save the settings in the menu item Controller > Save settings. Setup completed. Go to the main screen. Now by pressing one of the external buttons you can activate the control mode configured for it. The selected mode will be shown at the top middle of the screen as 1,2 or 3.
Control modes switching with external switch connected to the Controller
This method requires an external 3-position switch. To connect to the Controller, use “controller-side inputs” wires (optional) with SM 2.54 3P connectors.
The wire from the switch must be connected according to the
diagram to the ports
S3 and
GND on the control wires of the Controller.
Next, you need to check the functionality of the connected switch and the activation of the input by closing the contact. Go to Controller > I/O configuration > Port state and click the button on the switch. Depending on which port the wire is connected to, when a signal is applied, the values in menu items S1 and S3 will change from Off to On. the switch itself. If everything is in order, go to step 3.
Now you need to assign the desired function to the Controller ports. Go to Controller > I/O configuration and select S1of3 for Port S1, and S3of3 for Port S3.
Save the settings in the menu item Controller > Save settings. Setup completed. Now, when the switch is closed in the extreme left and right positions, control modes S1 and S3 will be activated. In the center position, S2 mode will be activated.
Setting up controllers with a two-motor connection scheme
First, you need to carefully read the wiring diagram for the multi-motor configuration. Before describing the settings, here are the answers to two frequently asked questions:
Is it possible to connect two controllers to one motor?
It is possible, but in this case, you need to divide the motor windings into two independent and then add the second controller. In addition-two complects of hall sensors are needed for each controller.
Is it possible to connect two motors to the same controller?
No, but out of sync when rotating the motors will cause one of them to slow down.
Setting up controllers with a two-motor connection scheme
After connecting the electric motors to the controllers, it is necessary to configure each controller individually through the Auto-setup menu. The throttle and brake levers connected to the On-board computer are configured in the On-board computer menu.
If the throttle and brake levers are connected to one of the controllers via the “Controller-side inputs”, then this controller must be assigned the function of controlling other controllers from the current one — the Master controller.
Next, you can configure the Prefix — the name of the controller for multi-motor configurations. Using the prefixes together or separately, you can specify where the electric motor controlled by the Controller is located.
Drive mode setting — four-wheel drive, front or rear
To select the driving mode and type of drive, you can use the On-board computer buttons or an external switch (connected to the Controller via control wires or to the On-board computer). To do this, you need to disable the throttle on the controller that should not rotate the electric motor at the moment.
When using the On-board computer buttons to switch, the controller disable setting can be made in the Controller > Advanced modes menu. You must select a mode, for example, S1 and enable the Disable throttle lever function in it. Now, when S1 mode is selected, the controller where throttle cut is activated will not respond to the throttle lever.
Thus, by combining three modes — S1, S2, S3, you can configure all-wheel drive (2WD), rear-wheel drive (RWD) and front-wheel drive (FWD).
When using an external switch to switch modes, the mode selection is configured in the Controller > I/O configuration menu. For a 3-position switch, you need to set the functions S1of3 and S3of3, for external buttons — the functions S1, S2 and S3.
If an external switch is connected to the On-board computer, then you can see which ports are activated when you press the buttons on it in the On-board computer > Information menu, if the switch is connected to the Controller, then in the Controller > I/O configuration menu.
You can also configure the shutdown of one of the controllers with an external button, without the need to configure additional modes. To do this, you need to assign the function DTH (disable the throttle lever) to the port of the button in the menu section Controller > I/O configuration.
Regenerative braking setting
It is instructions for Controllers with firmware v7.18 and for the On-board computer with v0.60B. If you have firmware v0.8.4 and v0.71B respectively, and a brake lever connected directly to the On-board computer, you need to set up a brake lever setting in the menu section On-board computer > Control setup. Regeneration allows you to brake with an electric motor and charge the battery. This function cannot be implemented on geared wheel motors.
There are two ways to enable regenerative braking:
Regenerative braking by separate thumb brake
This regenerative braking method uses a separate analog brake lever or thumb brake.
First connect the thumb brake to the On-Board Computer to the
BRK port or to the Controller to the
Control port via the controller-side inputs wires (option) according to the
wiring diagram.
If you have already
done a full auto-setup of all systems earlier, then go directly to step 6. If you connect the thumb brake after going through auto-setup, go to step 3.
Go to the
Controller >
Auto-setup menu section, select
On under
Brake, then follow the on-screen instructions for Brake autodetection. After successful configuration, you will see an
OK message. Then go to step 6. If errors occur during the auto-detect process (value
P was frozen), go to step 4.
Go to the
On-board computer >
Information, find the
Brake V parameter and check that the voltage range of the brake lever changes when it is pressed and released from ~
0.8V to ~
4.2V. If the range does not change, then you connected the thumb brake incorrectly or it is not working properly. If the range changes, then go to step 5. If you connected the brake lever directly to the Controller, then its voltage range can be checked in the
#Brake menu item in the
Controller >
Control menu
Go to the
Controller >
Control section and in the
Brake min item set it to
150mV more than the specified minimum value, and in the
Brake max item set it to
150mV less than the specified maximum value. Then go to step 6.
To set the regeneration level,
go to Controller >
Control modes >
Braking phase and set up the level of phase current of braking. If you have a scooter, you can start with
20A, for an electric bike you can start with
50A, for a Sur-Ron with
70A. Next, test the settings and, if necessary, increase or decrease the phase current to achieve the desired result.
Keep in mind that recuperation will not be possible with a fully charged battery.
Regenerative braking by releasing the throttle grip
With this type of braking, recuperation is activated when the throttle lever is released. The effect is similar to driving an electric car using one gas pedal, when pressed, accelerate, when released, slow down.
First, connect the thumb throttle or twist throttle to the On-Board Computer to the
THR port or to the Controller to the
Control port via the controller-side inputs wires (option) according to the
wiring diagram.
If you have already
done a full auto-setup of all systems earlier, then go directly to step 6. If you connect the throttle lever and do not connect the brake lever, go to step 3.
Go to the
Controller >
Auto-setup menu section, select
On under
Throttle, then follow the on-screen instructions for Brake autodetection. After successful configuration, you will see an
OK message. Then go to step 6. Then go to step 6. If errors occur during the autodetect process, go to step 4.
Go to the
On-board computer >
Information menu, find the
ThrottleV parameter and check that the voltage range of the throttle stick changes when it is pressed and released from ~
0.75V to ~
4.35V. If the range does not change, then you connected the handle incorrectly or it is not working properly. If the range changes, then go to step 5. If you connected the throttle lever directly to the Controller, then its voltage range can be checked in the
# Throttle menu item under the
Controller >
Control menu
Go to the
Controller >
Control section and in the
Throttle min menu item set it to
150mV more than the specified minimum value, and in the
Throttle max item set it to
50mV less than the specified maximum value. Then go to step 6.
In the
menu item
Controller >
Control >
Throttle mode select one of two throttle modes -
Speed or
under Controller >
Control >
Speed Lim. at 0% throttle, select
On to enable the speed limit at 0% throttle for braking with the throttle lever released.
To set the regeneration level,
go to Controller >
Control modes >
Braking phase and set up the level of phase current of braking. If you have a scooter, you can start with
20A, for an electric bike you can start with
50A, for a Sur-Ron with
70A. Next, test the settings and, if necessary, increase or decrease the phase current to achieve the desired result.
Reverse setting
Keep in mind that the reverse function cannot be implemented on geared motor wheels. You can use several methods to engage reverse:
If desired, item 1 can be combined with other options to have several ways of reversing.
This method of switching on the reverse is the easiest to set up and is activated by one of the four buttons on the On-Board Computer.
Go to the
On-Board Computer >
Buttons setup menu and select which of the four On-Board Computer buttons you want to assign the reverse function to. For example, to the first button.
In Hot key 1 type menu item select the control signal type Button, and in the item Hot key 1 func. select the free number of the CAN input, e.g. CAN_4.
Save the settings in the menu item On-Board Computer > Save.
Go to Controller >
I/O Configuration to configure the reverse function for the selected CAN port. To do this, in
CAN Port 4 menu item, select the
RV (reverse) value.
Save the settings in the Controller > Save settings menu item. The setup is complete, now you must press and hold the first On-board computer button for two seconds to activate reverse. When the function is activated, you will see the R icon at the top of the screen.
To use this method you need an external button or switch. To connect to the On-board computer, the wire must be crimped with pins according to the diagram and inserted into the PHD 2.0 connector, which are included in the package of the On-board computer.
The wire from the switch must be connected to the rear panel of the On-board computer in ports I/O1 or I/O2.
Next, you need to check the functionality of the connected button and the activation of the input by closing the contact.
Go to the
On-board computer >
Information menu and press the button. Depending on which port the wire is connected to, the values in the menu items
IO1 state -
IO8 state will change from
0 to
1 when the button connected to the On-board computer is pressed. If the value does not change, then the signal does not come and it is necessary to check the correct connection, contacts in the connector, wire, and the button itself. If everything is OK, go to point 3.
Let's assume you have connected the button to the IO2 state, it is the IO2 input of the I/O1 port. Now you need to assign to this On-board computer input the number of the CAN input for CAN-bus control and select the control signal type. Go to menu item On-board computer > Buttons setup, and in the menu item IO2 type, select the control signal type, e.g. Button, and in menu item IO2 func. select a free CAN input number, e.g. CAN_4.
Save the settings in the menu item On-Board Computer > Save.
Go to Controller >
I/O Configuration to configure the reverse function for the selected CAN port. To do this, in
CAN Port 4 menu item, select the
RV (reverse) value.
Save the settings in the Controller > Save settings menu item. The setup is complete, now you must press the button to activate reverse. When the function is activated, you will see the R icon at the top of the screen
This method requires an external button or switch. To connect to the Controller, use controller-side inputs wires (optional) with SM 2.54 3P connectors.
The wire from the switch should be connected
according to the diagram to one of the ports on the controller-side inputs wires.
Next, you need to check the functionality of the connected button and the activation of the input by closing the contact. Go to menu Controller > I/O configuration > Port state and press the button. Depending on which port the wire is connected to, the values in S1, S3, RV, CR will change from 0 to 1 when a signal is applied. If the value does not change, then the signal is not coming and you need to check the correct connection, contacts in the connector, wire, and the button itself. If everything is OK, go to point 3.
Let's assume you have connected a button to the RV input. Now you need to assign the reverse function to this port on the Controller. Go to Controller > I/O configuration and select RV for the Port RV menu item.
Save the settings in the Controller > Save settings menu item. The setup is complete. Now you need to press the button to activate reverse. When the function is activated, you will see the R icon at the top of the screen. To disable reverse press the button again.
Switching on reverse by selecting the control mode with activated function "Reverse"
With this setting, reverse is activated when one of the four On-board computer buttons is activated in one of the control modes. To use this method it is necessary to activate the reverse function when selecting the control mode.
Go to the
Controller >
Advanced modes menu and select one of the control modes
S3 in which the reverse will be activated. For example,
Go to Controller > Advanced modes > Mode S2 to Reverse menu item and select On.
Next, activate the advanced modes, for this, in the menu item Controller > Advanced modes > Enable add. modes, set the value to On.
Next, you need to select which on-board computer button will enable
Mode S2 and configure this function.
Go to the
Controller >
I/O configuration menu section, select one of the CAN ports, for example
CAN Port 1 and select
S2 in this menu item.
Save the settings in the Controller > Save settings menu item.
Go to the menu item
On-board сomputer >
Buttons setup, select which On-board Computer button will activate
Mode S2, e.g. second. To configure in the menu item
Hot key 2 type, select the control signal type
Normal, and in the item
Hotkey 2 func. select the number of CAN input previously configured in the controller —
Save the settings under the On-board computer > Save menu item. The setup is complete. Now you have to press the second button of the On-Board Computer to activate the control Mode S2 with activated reverse. When the mode is activated you will see the R icon at the top of the screen. To disable reverse you need to switch to another control mode, S1 or S3, which must be pre-set to other buttons of the On-Board Computer.
Switching on reverse by selecting the control mode with activated function "Reverse on brake"
To use this method it is necessary to activate one of the control modes with activated function Reverse on brake using one of the four buttons of the On-Board Computer. After activating this function, pressing the brake lever again after stopping will engage reverse.
Go to the
Controller >
Advanced modes menu and select one of the control modes
S3 in which the reverse will be activated. For example,
Go to Controller > Advanced modes > Mode S2 to Reverse on brake menu item and select On.
Next, activate the advanced modes, for this, in the menu item Controller > Advanced modes > Enable add. modes, set the value to On.
Next, you need to select which on-board computer button will enable
Mode S2 and configure this function.
Go to the
Controller >
I/O configuration menu section, select one of the CAN ports, for example
CAN Port 1 and select
S2 in this menu item.
Save the settings in the Controller > Save settings menu item.
Go to the menu item
On-board сomputer >
Buttons setup, select which On-board Computer button will activate
Mode S2, e.g. second. To configure in the menu item
Hot key 2 type, select the control signal type
Normal, and in the item
Hotkey 2 func. select the number of CAN input previously configured in the controller —
Save the settings under the On-board computer > Save menu item. The setup is complete. Now, when you have Mode S2 enabled, after you have pressed the brake lever and completely stopping, you can press the brake lever again within 4 seconds and hold it down to activate reverse. If more time passes between presses, the reverse will not be activated and you will have to press the brake again and again to activate the reverse. You will see R at the top of the screen when the mode is activated. To disable reverse you must release the brake lever, the controller will return to control Mode S2.