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en:controller:config-files [2024/09/02 11:39]
vasilisk [Talaria Sting MX4, 3 speed mode, 11kW configuration]
en:controller:config-files [2024/10/09 06:45] (current)
vasilisk [Talaria Sting MX4, 3 speed mode, 11kW configuration]
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 {{:en:controller:setup-examples:ncconf5.cfg|Import configuration 5}} {{:en:controller:setup-examples:ncconf5.cfg|Import configuration 5}}
 +MX3 battery specs:\\
 +Greenway. LG 21700  Li-Ion. 60V 38.4AH (2280 Wh). 135A
 ===== Talaria Sting MX4, 3 speed mode, 11kW configuration ===== ===== Talaria Sting MX4, 3 speed mode, 11kW configuration =====
Line 40: Line 42:
 MX4 battery specs:\\ MX4 battery specs:\\
 Greenway. LG 21700 Li-Ion. 60V 45Ah (2700 Wh). 180A\\ Greenway. LG 21700 Li-Ion. 60V 45Ah (2700 Wh). 180A\\
-SCUD.  LG 21700 Li-Ion 60V 45Ah (2700 Wh). 135A+SCUD.  LG 21700 Li-Ion 60V 45Ah (2700 Wh). 135A\\ 
 +N.B. some users reports that MX4 battery have about 2200wh usable
 ===== Talaria Sting MX4, 30kW configuration ===== ===== Talaria Sting MX4, 30kW configuration =====
 Talaria MX4 with Sotion fw02 motor \\ Talaria MX4 with Sotion fw02 motor \\