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en:motor_information [2024/03/12 03:23]
en:motor_information [2024/05/10 15:14] (current)
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 |Talaria Sting TL3000|5|10.7|485| | | |KTY84, Encoder 4096, gearbox 2.467?| |Talaria Sting TL3000|5|10.7|485| | | |KTY84, Encoder 4096, gearbox 2.467?|
 |Arctic leopard E|5|17.7|371| | | |KTY83, encoder 1024, gearbox 2.95| |Arctic leopard E|5|17.7|371| | | |KTY83, encoder 1024, gearbox 2.95|
-|Sotion motor|5|8.6|433|59|74|15kg| |+|Sotion motor|5|8.6|433|59|74|15kg| Yellow - A, Green - B, Blue - Z, White - PWM, Brown - T |
 |Sotion FW02|5|7.3|477|30|37|10kg|Encoder 1024| |Sotion FW02|5|7.3|477|30|37|10kg|Encoder 1024|
 |QS Motor v2 205 \ Cromotor|23| | | | | | | |QS Motor v2 205 \ Cromotor|23| | | | | | |