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This is an old revision of the document!
Copy files to the root directory of the microSD card with FAT32 filesystem (how to format microSD to FAT32 on Windows and Mac you can read here), insert into On-board computer (contacts on top) and run the update process.
Do not downgrade firmware that was installed by the manufacturer! You may get a brick
Each device has its own firmware and is updated separately from different menus. It does not matter in what order you update the firmware of the devices. If you have older firmware, you can install the latest firmware at once, without having to install the firmware one by one.
If you already have firmware version v0.75B and higher installed in the On-board computer, then the order in which devices are updated does not matter, since in firmware v0.75B the ability to force the update of the controller and other devices connected to the CAN bus through the menu of the On-board computer was added. You can read more about Forced update of devices in this section.
If your On-board computer has firmware v0.60B or lower and Controller v.7.18 and lower, first, need to update all devices but display. Because menu protocol is new and old devices will not be visible in the menu. After the update is finished hold the left button few seconds to exit the updated device menu. If the button does not work you may need to reset the power supply or replug CAN cable in the On-board computer. After everything is updated — update the On-board computer. Make a controller reset (load defaults) after the update. We recommend running motor detects again on controllers. Detection of throttle/brake connected to display should be done in the On-board computer menu.
Instruction of update of firmware:
1. Description of the On-Board Computer update menu.
2. Description of the Controller update menu.
3. Description of the uLight update menu.
To check the current firmware version, go to the Device Information menu, each device has a separate menu.
1. Information about the firmware version of the On-Board Computer.
2. Information about the firmware version of the Controller.
3. Information about the firmware version of the uLight.
The list of actual firmware to be downloaded:
30 September 2023
Recommended to update display first! Export configurations before update and import after to save your settings.
===== 21 July 2023 =====
Controller v0.8.12
===== 1 July 2023 =====
uLight v0.6.4
===== 7 May 2023 =====
Controller v0.8.11
===== 8 Febrary 2023 =====
Controller v0.8.9
You will need to run new motor detection after update!
This update fixes issues with the reverse function of the previous release and also some problems with recently made controllers. There are known issues with starting under high currents that will be investigated later.
===== 14 October 2022 =====
Display v0.75B
Export configuration before the update, update the Display, and then import your config!
Added menu for forced device update.
===== 26 September 2022 =====
Controller v0.8.8
Export configuration before the update, update controller, load default settings, and then import your config!
===== 8 August 2022 =====
Controller v0.8.7
===== 6 April 2022 =====
uLight v0.6.3
Fixed T1/T2 settings menu.
Now possible to disable the turn signal blinking by setting 0 sec.
===== 23 March 2022 =====
Controller v0.8.6
===== 20 January 2022 =====
Critical update for new controllers and hotfix for controllers 6F/12F and old 24F. Export config before the update, load defaults after the update, and import your config.
If your On-board computer has firmware v0.60B or lower and Controller v.7.18 and lower, first, need to update all devices but display. Because menu protocol is new and old devices will not be visible in the menu. After the update is finished hold the left button few seconds to exit the updated device menu. If the button does not work you may need to reset the power supply or replug CAN cable in the On-board computer. After everything is updated — update the On-board computer. Make a controller reset (load defaults) after the update. We recommend running motor detects again on controllers. Detection of throttle/brake connected to display should be done in the On-board computer menu.
Controller v0.8.5
===== 18 October 2021 =====
First, need to update all devices but display. Because menu protocol is new and old devices will not be visible in the menu. After the update is finished hold the left button few seconds to exit the updated device menu. If the button does not work you may need to reset the power supply or replug CAN cable in the On-board computer. After everything is updated — update the On-board computer. Make a controller reset (load defaults) after the update. We recommend running motor detects again on controllers. Detection of throttle/brake connected to display should be done in the On-board computer menu.
Display v0.71B
===== 31 August 2020 =====
Use configuration export before update, reset defaults after update and import configuration.
Display v0.60B
===== 18 March 2020 =====
Display v0.59B
HOTFIX for display speed sensor
===== 11 March 2020 =====
Display v0.58B
===== 21 Nov 2019 =====
HOTFIX, fixed NaN error for analog inputs.
Controller v0.7.9
===== 20 Nov 2019 =====
Export configuration (or make screenshots), after controller update do “Erase data storage” and reboot. Configuration will not be imported fully, some values will need to enter manually.
Display v0.57B